Running Qt Creator in emacs-mode

2 minutes read
In this blog post, you will learn how to run Qt Creator in emacs-mode or in layman terms how to configure GNU Emacs keybindings in Qt Creator. Why I write this blog post This mini-tutorial is a note to my future self, searching how to configure Qt Creator to behave like Emacs all over the internet after another system reset. ...

Rendering to a monochrome OLED display with QML

4 minutes read
Rendering to a monochrome OLED display with QML In this blog post, you will learn how to write QtQuick applications for an OLED display without modifying the Linux kernel. My testing system is an SSD1306 based 128x64 monochrome OLED display connected via I2C to the CHIP single board computer. Motivation I recently came across a post on the Qt Blog ...

Machinekit Europe meeting - Machinekit Introduction

< 1 minute read
On July 2nd and 3rd, I visited the Machinekit Europe meeting hosted by the Eletrolab Hackerspace in Nanterre, Paris. The hackerspace team recorded all talks and Frederic agreed to do the editing work. The first session of the meeting Machinekit Introduction by Michael and Bas, is now ready to be watched on YouTube: Michael talks about Machinekit and potential applications ...

Getting started with Machinekit on the CHIP

5 minutes read
This blog post is about getting started with Machinekit on the Nexthing CHIP. With a price of 9$; the CHIP is the cheapest single board computer with wifi and flash memory on the market. The low price and easy availability make the CHIP an ideal platform for low-budget motion-control applications. This blog post focuses on the user perspective of using ...