Using ChatGPT and Qt for Fun and Profit

2 minutes read
Welcome to today's blog post, where we'll be exploring the exciting possibilities of using the ChatGPT API in combination with Qt and QML to create chatbots and AI assistants. OpenAI recently released the ChatGPT API, which is a large language model that provides a chat interface that can be used to create custom applications, chatbots, and more. This post is ...

Qt Python vs Qt C++

Choosing Qt for Python or Qt C++?

8 minutes read
In this article, you will learn the differences between choosing Python or C++ as programming language when working with the Qt framework. In many aspects, the comparison between Qt/C++ vs. Qt/Python boils down to comparing C++ with Python. However, in some points, the particular differences between the Python bindings for Qt and the native Qt/C++ implementation are a major deciding ...

Live Coding Workflow C++

Qt/QML Live Coding for Everyone

< 1 minute read
Remember my blog post about speeding up your Python QML GUI development with live coding?? I figured that Python is not enough as I recently worked on a few more Qt/C++ projects. Since C++ is not easily live-codable, meaning we can't reload the entire project, another approach was necessary. Therefore, I created a C++ version of my live coding project. ...

PyQt vs PySide

PyQt vs Qt for Python (PySide2)

6 minutes read
In this article, you will learn the differences between PyQt and Qt for Python PySide2 so you can decide which Python Qt binding you want to use. Why two Python Qt bindings? When reading this article, you will probably be confused about why there are two Python bindings for the Qt GUI framework and not only one. To understand this ...

Live Coding Workflow

Speed Up Your GUI Development with Python Qt and QML Live Coding

4 minutes read
Are you still hitting the Run button every time you want to verify a GUI element in your Python Qt and QML application looks as you expected? Or are you relying on your working memory to imagine the changes in your mind? Both approaches work, but you are wasting a lot of time and energy, which you could spend more ...

Rendering to a monochrome OLED display with QML

4 minutes read
Rendering to a monochrome OLED display with QML In this blog post, you will learn how to write QtQuick applications for an OLED display without modifying the Linux kernel. My testing system is an SSD1306 based 128x64 monochrome OLED display connected via I2C to the CHIP single board computer. Motivation I recently came across a post on the Qt Blog ...