Machine Tool UI Consultation Service

Stop dealing with wasting money on a UI rewrite and create easy-to-use and good-looking machine UIs — even if you’re unsure about the project taking longer and being more expensive than expected.

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Attention Grabbing Headline That Mentions Your {MARKET} And {DESIRE}

In this first section, bring up the pain that your prospective client is feeling.

This section is your “fire.” You’re calling attention to the problem that your prospective client is facing. This section should bring their attention to this pain, making it relevant to them.

Until you’ve dug into this pain, your prospective client is more comfortable doing nothing. By bringing up the problem first, you grab their attention and jolt them into taking action.

Answer these questions to write the copy for this block:

  • What pain, problems, and frustrations are your prospective client’s feeling in their business right now?
  • How can you explain this problem back to them in the language they use themselves?
  • What are the “deeper” desires underlying this pain? Security? Status? Approval? Touch on those deeper desires as well.

Create a sense of urgency regarding the pain that they face — highlighting what they lose by not doing anything about it.

Headline That Mentions Your {SERVICE} To Help Them Achieve {DESIRE}

In this second block, you’ll introduce your service as an answer to their problems, pains, and frustrations.

This section is your “fire extinguisher.” You’ve brought their attention to the fire — and now this block gives them the relief they are seeking.

Answer these questions to write the copy for this block:

  • What do you do for your prospect with this service?
  • What is the main outcome you achieve for your prospect with this service?
  • What makes you unlike your competitors — and better positioned to solve this problem for your prospect?

Achieve {DESIRE} with {SERVICE}

In this section, using straightforward language, explain what your service is and the problem that it solves.

This block should draw attention and persuade your prospect that talking with you will bring them one step closer to solving their problem and helping them reach their desired future state.

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Briefly answer their objection to ease their concern, and then insert a testimonial:

“Insert a testimonial that answers your prospect’s objection. If you can use this testimonial from a previous client to answer the objection, you’ll build more trust with your prospective client, encouraging them to book a free consultation.”



Briefly answer their objection to ease their concern, and then insert a testimonial:

“Insert a testimonial that answers your prospect’s objection. If you can use this testimonial from a previous client to answer the objection, you’ll build more trust with your prospective client, encouraging them to book a free consultation.”



Briefly answer their objection to ease their concern, and then insert a testimonial:

“Insert a testimonial that answers your prospect’s objection. If you can use this testimonial from a previous client to answer the objection, you’ll build more trust with your prospective client, encouraging them to book a free consultation.”


Headline That Mentions Your Free Consultation To Help Them Achieve {DESIRE}

This is where you position your 30-minute free consultation as the next step for helping them reach their desired future state.

Answer these questions to write the copy for this block:

  • What will their business look like as a result of this service?
  • What kind of impact can you make on their bottom line (or another key metric in their business)?
  • How will their day-to-day lives look like as a result of this service? Easier? Less stressful? More status? More fun? More confident?

Write bullet points below to explain the benefits of your service, showing them everything they get as a result of working with you:

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Use this final text block to ramp up the urgency — make your prospective client feel as if they are losing something if they don’t book their consultation right now.